10 Best Landing Page Tools: Converting Leads to Customers Successfully

Are you in search of good landing page tools to increase the click-through rates to your website? Then, read this blog because I will share the top 10 landing page tools available in the market that brought a revolution in digital marketing campaigns.

Among all the landing page tools available in the market, I have selected these top 10 landing page tools that will provide you with an incredible experience of marketing campaigns. The best landing page tools are Leadpages, ClickFunnel, Unbounce, OptimizePress, WordPress, Launchrock, Visual Website Optimizer, Browsershots, Crazy Egg, Olark, Hello Bar.


It is one of the most popular landing page tools used by most people.


A/B testing: It allows you to compare two websites side by side and analyze the factors contributing to capturing the leads.

Templates: It offers you a variety of templates to choose from so that you can create attractive landing pages.

Leadboxes: You can customize pop-up templates to let your leads know about any exciting offer or company detail. It assists you in building enhanced communication with your potential customers.

Experimental features: It provides you with the analytics of lead conversion rate, and you can choose templates based on prior experience.


The pro version starts from 59 dollars per month.


  1. It will offer you a variety of templates to work with.
  2. You can customize your templates to make them more attractive.
  3. You can compare two landing pages side by side.
  4. The analytics report about the lead conversion rate helps you know your landing pages’ strengths and weaknesses.


  1. The templates are not free.
  2. Most of the templates are expensive.


It is the second most popular and one of the best landing page tools available in the market.


  • Templates: It offers you a lot of pre-designed templates to work with so that you can save time while you design the most attractive landing pages for your website.
  • Images: You can make your landing page look even better by adding images of your choice.
  • Editing: It offers you brilliant editing tools so that you can edit your website content as per your requirement.
  • Customizable: You can customize the templates, images, and texts to capture your leads’ attention instantly.
  • A/B testing: It helps you compare previous landing pages with the new ones to find out the best feature of your landing pages that is attracting the attention of the leads.
  • Analytics: It provides you with individual conversion rates to get the exact information and knowledge about your leads and potential customers.


The starting range costs 97 dollars per month.


  1. Pre-designed templates help you in creating landing pages in no time.
  2. You can customize all the features of your landing page.
  3. You can experiment with the images and explore multiple texts options.


  1. Sometimes, designing the templates and setting up funnels become challenging.
  2. It is difficult to manage contact data with ClickFunnels.


The simplicity of usage is one of the most important factors that make it one of the best landing page tools in the market.


  • Simple features: The features are very simple to use. Hence, it is a good option for beginners.
  • Image adding option: you can add images to your landing page by simply dragging the picture and dropping it on the template.
  • Editing: The editing tools are appropriate for making any changes to your text.
  • Device compatibility: Unbounce is popular because of its ability to maintain the exact appearance of landing pages on all devices. The landing page will appear to all the leads exactly you have created.
  • Add a form: You can create a customized form that will appear on the landing page. You can ask your leads to provide you with their valuable feedback. It will help you improve your content and build direct communication with potential customers.
  • A/B testing: Compare two landing pages or websites side by side and find out the preferences of your leads.
  • Templates: It offers you multiple pre-designed templates to work with.
  • Analytics: It provides you with a detailed analytic report of the conversion rate and helps you customize your landing page based on the choices of your leads.


The basic range starts from 72 dollars per month.


  1. You can customize your landing page according to your preferences.
  2. Edit texts and images with simple editing tools.
  3. Compare two landing pages and find out the factors that can increase the conversion rate.
  4. You can access multiple templates.
  5. Adding a customized form to ask for your leads’ feedback will help you communicate with them directly.
  6. Analyze the click-through rates and find out your target audience.


  1. The appearance of the landing pages might vary depending on the types of devices.


OptimizePress works as a simple tool to help you with designing brilliant landing pages. But, it will not offer you advanced features to improve your landing page content.


  • Simple: The primary factor that makes it rank among the best landing page tools is its simplicity. The beginners can easily get the hang of creating landing pages with its help.
  • Customizable features: You can customize your landing page and its appearance based on your leads’ choices.
  • Editing tools: the editing tools are easy to use and help you in designing quality landing pages.


The price range starts from 99 dollars per annum.


  1. It is a basic landing page tool that helps you to design landing pages.
  2. It is the best suitable tool for beginners because of its simplicity.
  3. The editing tools are appropriate to create good content and attract the leads’ attention.
  4. You can customize the features of your landing page with ease.


  1. It does not offer advanced features to design landing pages like a professional.
  2. You can not compare two landing pages with it.
  3. It will not provide you with conversion rate analytics.


WordPress is famous because of the variety of features it offers. It is considered one of the best landing page tools though primarily suited for writing blogs and developing websites.


  • Inexpensive: The most important reason that people opt for it is because it is inexpensive. The beginners do not want to spend bucks before getting adapted to the idea of designing landing pages. So, it is suitable for them.
  • Customize: You can customize the appearance of your landing pages with its help if you have enough knowledge of style sheet language.


It offers a free version to use. The advanced version starts from Rs. 160 per month.


  1. The tool is inexpensive compared to other tools that are available in the market.
  2. It is best for beginners so that they can get an idea about designing landing pages.


  1. The features are not very easy to use, and sometimes the users get confused.
  2. If you do not know the language to style sheet, you can not customize the features.
  3. You will need to get help from another tool to design landing pages successfully.
  4. You can not conduct A/B testing with it.
  5. You will not be able to track the conversion rate.


It is especially popular for designing different kinds of landing pages. It allows you to design unique ‘coming soon pages that play a very important role in capturing the attention of the leads. 


  • Coming soon pages: It is the most appropriate making page tool to design ‘coming soon pages. The types of landing pages make the leads curious about your website or products, and when your website is live, there is a high chance of attracting significant traffic to your website and turning them into leads.
  • Customizable: you can customize the images and texts of the landing page to make it more interesting.
  • Themes: It offers you a variety of themes to choose from.
  • Editing: the editing tools are very simple to use, and you just have to select your images and additional data, and Launchrock will take care of the rest of the processes.
  • Free: If you are a beginner, you can start using their free version.


It costs 249 dollars per annum.


  1. You can design attractive ‘coming soon pages that will make your potential leads interested in your services.
  2. There are multiple customizable features available so that you can design the landing pages as per your requirement.
  3. The themes are attractive and add a new dimension to your landing pages.
  4. The free version is available for beginners.


  1. You can not optimize your content because of the lack of knowledge about your leads’ preferences.
  2. You can not track the responses of your leads.
  3. Establishing enhanced communication with your potential clients is not possible.
  4. You can not access pre-designed templates.
  5. A/B testing feature is not present.

Visual Website Optimizer

It is a very popular beginner-friendly landing page tool. The features that make it one of the best landing page tools are mentioned below.


  • Beginner-friendly: the tools are simple, and beginners can easily design their landing pages with its help.
  • Editing tools: Multiple editing tools are available so that you can customize your landing page content efficiently.
  • A/B testing: A/B testing feature helps you compare the new landing pages with the old ones and helps you design your landing pages according to the success rate of lead conversion.


They offer their services for 199 dollars per month.


  1. The landing page tool is convenient to use for beginners.
  2. The editing tools help customize landing page content.
  3. You can compare landing pages side by side and edit your content accordingly.


  1. The appearance of the landing page may vary from device to device.
  2. Tracking the responses of the leads is not possible.

Crazy Egg

It is one of the best landing page tools that are available in the market.


  • Track visitors: It allows you to track the number of visitors to your landing page and website.
  • Simple tools: The tools offered by Crazy Egg are simple and easy to use.
  • Personal code: It makes the process of tracking the leads very easy. You can get access to a personal code, and after entering it, the tracking process will be automatically started.
  • Install tracking script: You can also install the tracking script using WordPress plugins, and it will help you find out the areas that are attracting more traffic. Then, you can add important information about your company that will turn the traffic into leads and potential customers.


They offer a free trial, and the advanced version costs 24 dollars per month.


  1. Track the number of visitors to your website and design your content accordingly.
  2. The tracking process is easier to start with the help of a personal code.
  3. The tools are simple to use.
  4. You can install a tracking script to edit your landing page content and make it informative.


  1. A/B testing feature is not available.
  2. In addition, the appearance of your landing page may not look similar on every type of device.


It is one of the best landing page tools because of the advanced communication features it offers.


  • Feedback: You can get feedback from real leads if you design your landing page with this tool. It offers multiple features that will help you to establish direct communication with your leads.


  • Chatbox: With Olark, you can design customized chat boxes to encourage your leads to participate in active communication with your team.
  • Informative: You can also design templates to let your leads know about exciting offers of discounts that may encourage them to visit your website.
  • Work as a team: Anyone belonging to your team can reply to the questions of the leads. It will save you time and also will be convenient for you.


It starts from 29 dollars per month.


  • Genuine feedback from your leads will help you to find out the areas where you need to improve.
  • Designing a chatbox will engage the leads into active participation in communication.
  • You can let your leads know about your website and provide them with detailed information about your company.
  • Your team members can actively join you in this joint venture.


  • A/B testing feature is not available to compare multiple landing pages.
  • You have to manage Contact data manually.
  • You will not be able to track the number of visitors to your website.
  • You cannot track the lead conversion rates.

Hello Bar

It is another popular landing page tool with unique features. It provides you to create a unique call-to-action template, and also you can directly ask questions to the leads by customizing questions. It is a tool that helps to create landing pages as well as lets you know about the areas you should focus on more. 


Call-to-action: Create attractive call-to-action templates and convert the leads into customers.

Select goals: It gives you options to choose the purpose for which you are using the tool. If you want to attract traffic, you can select that option, or if you want leads, you can choose accordingly.

Installation: You can use WordPress plugins to install the code.

Feedback: You can create templates and ask your leads to provide you with feedback.


It offers a free version, but that is not unlimited. The unlimited version starts from 29 dollars per month.


  • It is easy to use.
  • You can enhance communication with your clients.
  • Genuine feedback from your leads will help you to improve your content.


  • A/B testing features are not available.
  • You cannot track the number of visitors.
  • You can not track the conversion rates with this tool.
  • You can not manage contact data with its help.


Name of the tools




A/B testing


Monitoring conversion rate














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Visual Website Optimizer

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Crazy Egg

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Hello Bar

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Among all the landing page tools available, Leadpages and ClickFunnels are two very popular tools that help create attractive landing pages. Apart from these, you can opt for Unbounce or Instapage to design your landing pages.

Landing pages should have a catchy title, subheading, and call-to-action templates. A catchy title will make the leads read about your content and visit your website. A sub-heading will help you understand what you offer, and call-to-action templates will engage them to participate in active communication with you.

Landing pages are designed to capture the leads and turn them into customers. An attractive landing page will instantly draw the attention of the leads and make them visit your website. As a result, they will know more about your services and will become customers later.


Designing an attractive landing page is important. It will not only help you reach a larger audience but also make them interested in your products. A landing page is a page that the leads see for the first time before knowing your services and visiting your website. Landing pages should be attractive because they are going to get an impression of your website. If the page is attractive, the leads will proceed further with your content, but they will not spend their time on it if it is not special. So, make sure you choose a good landing page tool to design the pages. Keep it simple and informative. The leads will spend less than five seconds watching your page. So, you have to create a landing page that will make them interested in your website and content.

There are two other tools in the market, and they are User testing and 5 Second Test. They allow you to communicate directly with the leads. For example, user testing asks the leads to record their opinion about your website, which helps you know about their preferences. Also, it will encourage them to provide you with genuine opinions. 

5 Seconds test enables you to ask customized questions to your leads, which will make you know what areas are getting more attraction from them.

If you are a beginner, then go for simple tools like WordPress. First, get adapted to creating landing pages, and then you can opt for more professional tools like ClickFunnels. They offer you templates and customizable features. 

The landing page should be informative, and you must include a call-to-action template there. It is very important to get the genuine reaction of your leads. And if you are a professional, go for A/B testing that will help you compare your previous landing pages with the new ones so that you can customize them according to the choices of the leads.

I have explained all the features of the top landing page tools, and now it is your responsibility to find out what suits your purpose better and choose accordingly.