Is Teachable A Reasonable Choice For An Online Course Creation?

Teachable is an online course creator, but is it that good? Read the article to get an intricate description of various features of Teachable to assess whether it's good enough for you or not.

Online Courses hold immense importance as the world has now shifted towards digital education, but you need a perfect platform where you can create an online course.

One such platform is Teachable that offers you a wide array of features for the creation of an online course, but before opting for it you need to make sure that it is good enough for you or whether it would meet your expectations or not. 

In this article, I am going to talk about every bit of one such platform I.e. Teachable. I’ll introduce you to all the features of Teachable and why I think it is good for an online course creation.

How I came in contact with Teachable:-

After teaching my students on Youtube for several months, I was in search of a platform where I could create my online course, and then after proper research and Googling, I came to know about Teachable. After getting to know about their features and benefits, I considered it worth trying. 


Course Compliance: This is the most incredible feature of Teachable, it ensures that your students will go through the complete course in a specific manner. Course Compliance has the following three elements-

Enforce lecture order: To ensure that students attend lectures in a particular order. 

Enforce video watching- To ensure that your students at least watch up to 90% of the video, before moving to the next video as it will not allow your students to skip to the next lecture before at least completing the 90% part of the previous video. 

Enforce graded quiz completion: To ensure that your students complete the graded quiz, and for the creation of the graded quiz you need to enable the option of “graded quiz” While creating quizzes. 

Certificates: Teachable allows you to create course completion certificates for your students. Your students can avail the certificate after completion of the course. Teachable offers various templates for certificate creation, and if you are a developer, you can also customize your templates with Liquid/HTML. It also offers a Certificate designer editor, using which you can customize your certificates according to your preferences. 

Unlimited Everything: Teachable provides you with unlimited courses, unlimited coaching services, unlimited students,  and unlimited video bandwidth in all of their paid plans. 

Live Interaction with your Students: Teachable offers you to have one-on-one sessions with your students with the help of easy to build milestones, task features, and call hosting. Live interactions are always profitable for your students as they can get answers to their questions immediately and effectively. 

Linking of website: You can easily link your existing website with Teachable under a custom domain. 

Power editor and other integration: You can customize your course with a power editor using which you can create captivating sessions, videos, and lectures. Teachables also supports a wide array of integrations. They have a broad list of partners.

Sales and Analytics: You can track the number of sales made by your course through the explicit dashboard of Teachable. Tracking numbers is crucial to assess whether your course is doing good or not. You can also see the entire breakdown of profits through an online course selling, in the sales section. In addition to that, you can also check your students’ information or profile and edit them. You can check how many times your students logged in, their IP addresses, courses they are enrolled on etc.

Flexible Page Editor: You can make beautiful, creative and enticing sales pages with the help of a flexible page editor. A captivating sale page is a prerequisite for bringing more and more students to your online course. 

Invite your Team Members: You can bring your team members, authors, and contributors with you and customise their roles and permissions. Teachable will pay them and support them for you.

Email Marketing: Teachable provides you with email marketing modules using which you can market your course and keep in contact with your students. You can send emails to particular users or all users. You can also market your course through blog marketing and affiliate marketing.

One-Click Upselling: Teachable allows you to add a one-click upsell option to the check out Thank you page.

Feedback: Feedback from your student is a must to know where your course is lagging and then can make necessary changes. Teachable allows you to gather feedback from your students very easily using third party surveys and forms. 

Membership Creation: You can create membership sites with Teachable. Following are the things needed for powerful membership-

  • Bundling of courses
  • Subscription pricing
  • Ongoing value delivery

You need to consider membership to have a recurring source of income. If you are having multiple published course on Teachable, then you can create a distinct course that is supposed to offer all your published courses seated by you as a bundle. You can create several bundles using several subscription plans.

Numerous Payment Options: Teachable allows you to make payments in more than 130 currencies. In addition to that, Teachable also offers PayPal and Mobile pay for your online classes.


The Interface of Teachable is really comprehensive and easy to understand. After logging into Teachable, you can see that there are numerous tutorials and videos on their channel that are pretty easy to understand.

You can access all the features from the sidebar as the Interface is clean and well organised. Under each feature, you will find various other features that are nested. Hence, you can access all the features offered by Teachable in just two clicks.

Unlike other platforms, all the features are easily discoverable and are complemented with proper documentation that makes it simpler to understand.

Teachable offers good UI/UX and everything is easy enough to understand even without any technical knowledge.


Teachable takes the security of your data seriously. They understand the importance of security for you. Teachable have a proper team who combats with those bad guys for you.

Teachable employs the following features to keep your security intact.

  • Teachable provides you with seamless hosting for the protection of your data. 
  • It offers a 2048 bit SSL Certificate that secures your student’s information while log-ins and checkouts. 
  • Teachable only works with those payment providers that are PCI Level 1 compliant,  so that your data, as well as your students’ data, can be kept safe. 
  • Teachable allows you to own your data by yourself. 
  • Teachable keeps monitoring 24/7.
  • Teachable offers instant updates so that you don’t have to wait for any upgrades. 


Ease of Use

Teachable is so easy to use that if you are not good with technical aspects then you can use and understand it easily. 

It offers a convenient and well-organised dashboard that you can get an idea of most of the things in just one look, and you can customise your course according to your requirements as well. 

Customer Support

Teachable offers you very convenient support along with incredible services. Teachable provides you with email and ticket support.


  • Teachable provides you with very good integrations with several Analytics, Lead generation tools, Autoresponders, and Zapier. 
  • Google Analytics, Zapier, MailChimp, ConvertKit, Sumo,  and Segment are all part of Teachable integrations. 
  • You can also use Zapier Or Webhook to integrate numerous other tools. 
  • Teachable offers a very powerful Webhook builder to post data to other tools. 
  • You can sign up students for webinar who have enrolled for your course through pasting their Webhook URLs. 

Teachable is best for:

Teachable is best for those who want an easy interface or simple tools, but effective features for their course creation. Teachable has all the features using which you can create a captivating online course with very simple to understand tools and features. 

If you want a customized course or customized videos then also Teachable is the best fit for you as it has various editors using which you can create your course as you like. 

The best thing about Teachable is even if you are not so technology friendly but want to create a good course then Teachable is the platform for you.


  • Teachable provides you with Course Compliance which ensures that your students will complete the course in a specific order and will go through the complete course. 
  • Teachables enables you to develop certificates that you can provide your students after the course completion. 
  • Teachable offers a very easy and organised interface or dashboard. 
  • Teachable allows you to create memberships. 
  • Teachable allows you to customize your course, video, sale page, etc by providing access to various editors. 
  • You can make payment in more than 130 currencies and even through PayPal and money pay. 
  • One-click up-sell feature can help you a lot while increasing conversions on your website. 
  • Teachable offers unlimited bandwidth for video creation and you can have unlimited students too.


  • Teachable asks for a 5% extra fee on top of 10% transaction fees, even on their basic plans. 
  • They do not avail of any drag and drop builder. 
  • Teachable does not offer a drip emailing feature.


Teachable provides you with various coupons and pricing options that include memberships, subscriptions, one time payments, bundles, and much more. 

Teachable offers three plans that can be paid monthly or annually, but it will cost you less if you opt to pay it annually.


It is the most popular plan offered by Teachable and it will cost you $99/month if billed annually.

It includes unlimited students, Graded Quizzes,  Course and Coaching Product, No transaction fee, instant payouts, priority product support, 5 admin-level users, Members only community, Advanced reports, Unbranded reports, course compliance, course completion certificate, and Integrated affiliate marketing.


It’s the most basic plan offered by Teachable and it can cause an expenditure of $29/month if billed annually.

It has the feature of unlimited students, Drip Course Content,  Course and Coaching Product, 5% transaction fee, instant payouts, priority product support, 2 admin-level users, Members only community, coupon codes, third party integration, community integration, custom domain support and Integrated affiliate marketing.


You would experience the best of Teachable services if you opt for this plan and it would cost you $249/month if billed annually. 

It includes unlimited students, Graded Quizzes,  Course and Coaching Product, No transaction fee, instant payouts, priority product support, 20 admin-level users, Members only community, group coaching calls, advanced theme customization, bulk student enrollment, and manual student imports.

Teachable Competitors

Teachable has various competitors, but I’ll talk about a few of them and would try to provide you with a good comparison between them. 


  • If you want a cheaper online course creating alternative then you can go with Teachery as unlike Teachable it does not offer different paid plans, it only offers one premium plan that comprises all the features. 
  • However,  Teachery does not have some of the crucial features like hosting for videos, discussions, quizzes, course compliance, etc. 
  • But, Teachery has an excellent visual editor and it allows you to create sales and landing pages,  and the best part is it does not ask for any transaction fees. 
  • It has a single plan and would cost you only $49/month.


  • Thinkific is another online course platform and has a better design option than Teachable, it also has a drag and drop dedicated site builder. 
  • It also offers some inbuilt features for assignments and surveys. 
  • However, Teachable has better marketing features and course compliance than Thinkific. 
  • Along with a free plan, Thinkific offers various paid plans I. E. Basic plan for USD 39/month, a Pro plan that would cost you USD 79/month, a Premier plan for USD 399/month, Growth Packages, and an enterprise-level plan Thinkific Plus. 


  • Podia is an overall selling platform and it allows you to sell digital products, create courses, and memberships. 
  • Podia lacks some crucial features like course compliance, certificates, advanced analytics, etc. 
  • The best thing about Podia is it has a great email marketing strategy that allows you to do both one-off broadcasts and triggered drip emails. 
  • This platform is for those who want an all in one platform at pocket-friendly prices. 
  • It will cost you $ 39/ month or $ 390/year.

Competitors Comparison Table:







Free plan 

  Free trial

  Free trial

Free trial, Free version

  Free trial

Transaction fee





Course Compliance and Certificates





Membership Feature





  Affiliate Marketing





Affiliate Marketing

Teachable offers you an affiliate platform with all of their plans. After employing this feature your student can promote your online course. 

To get started with this feature, you need to follow the below-given steps. 

  • First of all, you need to check global affiliate settings. 
  • Then you are supposed to add affiliates who are going to promote your course. 
  • After that, your affiliates can access their respective portals, get affiliate links from them, and can start to promote your course. 
  • They just need to paste the URL of your course sales page and then click on generate and they will get their affiliate URL. 


Yes, Teachable is a legit company. It was created in 2014 by Ankur Nagpal and currently has more than 170 employees, and 70,000 online course creators.

Yes, Teachable offers a free plan for 14 days during which you can create your online course and set up everything, but for selling your course you need to upgrade to a paid plan.

If you want a platform with an easy interface and features like course compliance, certificates, affiliate marketing, unlimited bandwidth, etc. then yes Teachable is right for you.


With that, I came to the end of this article. I hope this article has provided you with an elaborate overview of Teachable.

Before choosing an online course platform you need to be sure of certain things and then decide accordingly.

Whether to choose Teachable or not entirely depends on your expectations and requirements, if you want the features offered by Teachable while creating an online course then obviously you should go for it.

All the best!