Who Is Better? Thinkific Or Teachable? Read This To know More.

Are you wondering which one is better, Thinkific or teachable? If yes, you are at the right place. Browsing through various options is the best way to get the best.

If you want to teach online and are stuck on which site you want to go forward with? Then let me help you through it. I’ll discuss the basic features of the application, the pros, the cons and some benefits which may help you decide better in a few minutes of reading.

Personally, I think that both the sites try to serve the best service of online teaching but let me take you through a calculative point of view. It also fairly depends on what features you are looking for. 

Thinkific and Teachable are both websites that help teachers and instructors around the globe to create content and help them sell the videos they make online benefitting both the parties, the users and the company, Resulting in monetary profit.


Thinkific is a website where the teachers or instructors create their own online classes and sell them from right where they are to anywhere in the world with just a few clicks.

Its purpose provides a lot of benefit to the teachers during the pandemic period where the teachers cannot afford to teach offline.


Teachable gives a similar platform for the teachers to teach online and helps them to sell their classes within a one-month period. It is a positive way of encouraging teachers to teach online while staying home.

This way the teachers can teach at the comfort of their homes and the students can learn at their own comfort too. The teachers keep a track of the progress of the course the student opted for and can give them the attention they require in the particular areas of learning.

Common features in Thinkific and Teachable

Similar purpose

 Both the sites provide a similar platform for the teachers to teach and sell their online classes to students across the globe. The company helps the students and teachers to learn and teach at their own comfort and at their own pace. 


Professional teaching

 The companies train the teachers and instructors for the quality of the classes and make sure they are given real-life examples and demos to make them understand the concept of online teaching better.

Money making

 In both, companies the teachers can make money by selling their videos and the company gets some percentage of the profit made by selling content to their students. The companies help the teachers make money and they themselves benefit from it by giving them the liberty to use their platform.

Unique features


  • You can start teaching with no money to invest 
  • There is freedom of what to teach with your own modus operandi
  • Creates curriculum and design for the videos you create
  • They are supportive of any multimedia content for your classes


  • It guarantees to sell in the 30-day time period
  • You can teach in your home language 
  • Courses are available in many languages 
  • It guides the user all through the process
  • The launch accelerator feature 

Customer support 


  • The customers can contact the company any time of the day. They can contact them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest. 
  • The users can book a time to chat with solution experts.
  • You can give them a call during office hours on working days
  • You can even send them an email about any issue you want to discuss


  • Can contact support regarding any issue
  • Can contact the sales team 
  • You can ping them on any of their social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Or visit the official page regarding any issue for help



  • The content is kept safe and secure with Cloud hostings.
  • Built-in security system 
  • SSL certificates are included too.


  • The personal information of the users is kept protected.
  • No third party can access the information provided by the user.
  • You can access, update and even delete your personal information once given.
  • Personal information is not processed unless your consent is given.



They provide four offers with a 30-day money-back guarantee. There are as follows- 

  1. Free – 0 dollars for the free test-drive feature.
  2. Basic – 49 dollars per month for basic features.
  3. Pro – 99 dollars per month for an amazing student experience.
  4. Premium – 499 dollars a month for an advanced package with no limitations.


They provide three options to choose from are- all are billed annually

  1. Basic- 29 dollars per month
  2. Pro- 99 dollars per month
  3. Business- 249 dollars per month 



  • Quality online education 
  • Concentrated on a small number of students
  • The curriculum is made for the students according to the course chosen
  • Flexible pricing options to choose 
  • Business tools for teachers 
  • Interactive session with the students 
  • Unlimited replays of course classes
  • Can choose what language to learn in 
  • Tracking students progress throughout the course 


  • Easy to use and customizable 
  • Coaching sessions
  • Access to multimedia lectures 
  • Many tools to make teaching easy
  • Can track sales of your classes
  • Tracking students progress 
  • Free mode of teaching for teachers
  • Unlimited students and paid plans 
  • Can access anywhere and anytime
  • Many career options to choose from 
  • Can enhance personal skills through the courses



  • Limited courses available
  • Fewer amount students compared 
  • Only 2+ certification available
  • High pricing 


  • Need money for start-up 
  • Too many courses to choose from 
  • High pricing on a monthly basis

Use Thinkific if

If you want a good quality teaching experience for a full course. It gives teachers access to interactive sessions with the students and can track the progress of the students on the particular course chosen. The teachers can make good money through online teaching. The number of courses is not limited and the company is supportive of any teaching methods. The teachers or instructors are paid for their hard work. 

Use Teachable if

If you are looking for a platform to teach any course in your own comfortable language. Teachable is flexible and does not require the teachers to use a certain language. It is an interactive teaching platform. It benefits the students by allowing them to choose from a variety of courses for their career choices or personal skills. Teachers can earn a good amount through this online teaching platform.

Comparison table

Here’s a comparison table showing the membership feature and the affiliate feature of the Thinkific and Teachable site.


Membership Feature

Affiliate Feature








Yes, the teachers and instructors are allowed to interact with the students. They can also use third party discussion tools. 

No. There is no limitation as such which disallows the teacher to teach multiple courses. The access is unlimited to the users.

Yes, The applications are designed in a way that they are available in any source of device you choose to teach or learn from. There is no such restriction of access.


We have come to the end of our overview report on the two top online teaching sites of the E-learning industry. So far we have discussed the pros and the cons, the pricing, customer support, privacy and the unique features one possesses. I hope this report helps you in deciding what to choose better for yourself and make sure of your decision.

 For me, both the sites, Thinkific and Teachable are reliable sites for the teachers around the world to have a platform for themselves to create videos and spread knowledge through online sources in this time of the pandemic. I hope this post was of help to you.